What are the main differences between presa Ibérica and Lomo Ibérico?
Presa and lomo differ in their cuts and preparation:
• Presa is made from lean pieces of presa and tenderloin, marinated like chorizo.
• Lomo is made from a whole pork loin marinated with typical spices for the traditional red-coloured lomo or a blend of natural spices.
• The loin is a long cut along the spine, while presa is an oval cut from the upper part of the shoulder.
What is presa Ibérica and why is it considered a high-quality piece?
Presa Ibérica is a cut of meat from the front part of the Ibérico pig, located between the shoulder and loin, known for its tenderness, fat marbling, and exceptional flavour. It is considered high quality due to its marbling, and unique, juicy texture, attributes derived from the acorn-based diet and free-range rearing of Ibérico pigs.
How long does it take to cure presa Ibérica and how does this affect its quality?
Cinco Jotas' 100% Ibérico acorn-fed presa undergoes a curing process of approximately 60 days. This process enhances its quality by allowing the flavours to concentrate and develop, and by softening the texture of the meat, resulting in a juicier and more flavourful product.