

The most succulent of home-cooked meals.

The good relationship between eggs and ham could provide enough fodder for an entire encyclopedia, and certainly enough for a daily menu of pairing options. Eggs with ham is perhaps the most succulent homemade fast food dish. Maternal instincts lead us to believe that something’s not quite right if someone doesn’t want one of the many delicious egg dishes available to us. 


The white or brown colour of the egg is determined by the breed of the laying hen, and has nothing to do with quality. Without scorning the goose, duck, quail or ostrich, we can talk about free-range eggs. It’s in Galicia where they understand the tortilla (potato, of course) better than anyone. In Avila, where they love egg yokes more than any other part of Spain, eggs take on a special dimension. It’s worth traveling to Aracena, where eggs with ham are reveared to a monumental degree.


  • Cooked in any one of its many forms, ham gives flavour to eggs: fried, scrambled, boiled, prepared with potatoes or in a tortilla.


  • A few slices of ham provide the perfect finishing touch to a plate of freshly cooked eggs, whose heat releases the hidden aromas of a cured Iberian ham.


  • Egg yolk has a strong flavour made more enticing when combined with the salty and umami flavour of ham.



Galicia and Ávila

Galicia and Ávila